Case Study

Custom User Permissions Keep Confidential Data Secure

Does your business have complex data requirements? Learn how we leveraged web technologies to deliver a customized insurance auditing solution with user-based permissions.

Client Background

Since 2000, MedSave has supported clients by bridging the gap between health care and cost-containment. They are committed to helping clients find ways to save money. Their unique review process begins with data analytics followed by a comprehensive review of claims by experts in the field of finance and medicine. By managing claims before, during and after treatment, they help control high-cost treatments and procedures.

Client Challenge

When MedSave approached Envalo, they were using a legacy portal and document repository system to track, perform and report on insurance claim audits. These systems were built on outdated technologies and their ongoing maintenance was becoming increasingly costly. This complexity also made modifications to the existing platform high-risk.  

User permissions also presented a challenge. Insurance auditing involves input from multiple departments and contractors Users in a variety of roles needed to access the portal — auditing, data entry, billing and reporting. Additionally, customers need access to the portal to upload claims and verify the status of an audit.

Ideally, visibility should be limited based on a user’s specific role. MedSave’s existing systems granted visibility at a global level, so users had access to see everything in the system.

Our Solution

Using a web-based API-driven platform, Envalo created a user interface that allows for efficient data entry by leveraging dashboards and quick data look-ups. Auditors can see and access everything they need on one screen, and information is saved in real time. Envalo addressed the user challenge by building custom permission levels. Administrators can assign contracts to auditors, ensuring they only have access to the data they need while a user-specific dashboard provides an easy window into open audits. Additionally, specific users can be granted permission to generate necessary reports.

Business Impact

MedSave achieved an enterprise-level solution, leveraging lower-cost, open-source solutions which gives them a significant competitive advantage in their space. The new portal is built using the latest technologies that reduce security risks by keeping confidential information secure.

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